Expert Advice: Does Pressure Washing Damage Windows on Michigan Homes?

Your windows provide access to the outside view of your home. They seem to be your home’s eyes. They must be kept clean and free of blemishes, or the vision will be obscured.

So, how do you clean the window and all the accompanying panels? Do you use a pressure washer to clean it? Or do you revert to the ancient cleaning method and wipe with a squeegee? Learn more on our site at

Some seasons come along with copious amounts of pollen and dirt. As a result, many individuals are gathering their cleaning supplies and equipment to start the time-honored custom of cleanup. Home improvement experts say window washing should be at the forefront of your cleaning schedule. If your window needs to be cleaned, you may consider which approach is best. Pressure Washing the windows seems to be the simplest solution. But, given the force of the pressure washer, is it safe to wash the window this way? 

Can Windows Be Cleaned With a Pressure Washer?

The basic answer is yes; pressure washers are often used to clean windows. To begin with, pressure/power washers in Michigan, do not include cleaning windows as part of their pressure washing siding services. They would usually suggest hand-cleaning the windows instead. The ideal method is to apply the soapy water using a foam applicator. With a squeegee, remove suds and water. Then, using a microfiber cloth, remove any stains.

To address the issue of whether pressure washing may harm windows, the answer is yes, particularly if done poorly. Pressure washing windows are conceivable and may be done without causing any harm, but it will take specialists knowledgeable in various spray methods.

Is Pressure Washing Safe for Windows?

This answer is rather more complicated. While the safety of pressure-washing windows depends on experience, It is important for homeowners not to attempt washing their windows themselves to avoid damaging them. When considering pressure washing, there are some factors to consider before using a power washer on your windows; below are some of the factors to consider.

What State Are Your Windows In?

You must first take into account the state of your windows. While window frames made of aluminum or vinyl often don’t cause issues, wooden window frames frequently need particular care. For instance, pressure washing may harm exposed wood if a window’s paint is cracked or flaking because of the power of the water. Additionally, it’s crucial to ensure the glazing between the frame and the glass is intact to avoid having broken glass all over the place. Or, if your windows are double-paned, the tremendous pressure may cause the seals to fail, letting moisture inside and causing the glass to fog up. To prevent water from leaking into your home, you must also ensure that the weatherproof strip on the window and the caulking surrounding the window frame are in excellent condition.

The Experience of the Pressure Washer

An experienced Pressure/power washer must first take into account the state of your windows. While window frames made of aluminum or vinyl often don’t pose problems, wooden window frames frequently need particular care. For instance, pressure washing may harm exposed wood if a window’s paint is cracked or flaking because of the power of the water, and only an experienced pressure washer can understand the requirement to pressure wash a window. Additionally, it’s crucial to ensure the glazing between framing and the glass is intact to avoid having broken glass around the place. Or, if your windows are double-paned, the tremendous pressure may cause the seals to fail, letting moisture inside and causing the glass to fog up. Power washers in MI experts must also ensure that the weatherproof strip on the window and the caulking surrounding the window frame are in excellent condition to prevent water from leaking into your home.

What Could Cause Fatal Damage?

It would be best if you also envisioned how well your house would withstand pressure washing and window cleaning. If you try to wash your windows, the increased streams may likely shoot into cracks or behind the siding. Major issues like mold, dampness, or rotting wood might result if the water seeps into insulation or under floors. While pressure washing is an excellent way to clean roads, patios, and decks, it’s not the best method for cleaning windows. More so, many pressure washing siding specialists don’t offer to pressure wash windows since they know the high risk of damage. However, some understand how to pressure wash windows.


A routine that includes cleaning the windows once every six months or once per season is recommended by Forbes Advisor. The washing of your house with high pressure may be done at any time, but hired power washers in MI should do it annually. To prevent physical wear and tear accumulation on your property, you should make pressure washing a routine part of your property upkeep.

While the outcome of pressure washing a window is dependent on experience, It is important to understand that pressure washing a window can only be successful when handled by Michigan pressure washers.